Friday, November 5, 2010

Response: Ivan's Blog

I read a post that Ivan posted in his blog which I found very interesting and true. The main idea that Ivan was trying to explain in his post was that even though Facebook is fun and entertaining, it is very harmful and dangerous for some of the users. Here is a quote from his post that says a lot about his topic:
Facebook could also get into someone’s mind and begging to addict them, making it a priority for people to get on a computer and start posting. With posting comes some consequences such as bullying and also people knowing the every movement that a person is taking where they live and are in the moment when they are alone, when they are in the bathroom, eating and everything else that they are doing.  People take advantage and now creepers don’t have to leave for little kids to chase they just hop on a computer! Does this give too much power to pedophiles????
I like this quote because it's true. I know that personally, I can't stand a day without going on Facebook. I'm not completely addicted to it, I just always get distracted by it when I'm doing my homework. I'm not the type of user who would give out their phone number to random people, or give an enormous chunk of personal information. I'm also not the type who adds or accepts random people as friends. But the problem is that other people actually do stuff like that. People doing this are taking the risk of some some creep taking all of their information lie their phone number, their full name, the school they go to, the city they live in, and other private information about them. If they allow any stranger to know so much about them, the stranger could easily track them down and harm them. Kids are usually the ones who are exposing themselves ti this type of danger. And if they are kids the ones who are giving away information, it is a thousand times easier for an adult to stalk, rape, or attack the child.

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