Thursday, April 14, 2011

Catcher in the rye PART 2

So I have not exactly finished reading the book, but I am almost done. There is so many new things I noticed about the main character, Holden Caulfield, and the author, J.D. Salinger. First of all, I noticed how Holden uses the same words over and over and over and over and over and over and over throughout the story. For example, he says “I really did”, “I really do”, “I really don’t”, and “I really didn’t” quite a lot. Here is a quote from the book, “I didn't mind the idea so much, but I didn't feel like being lectured to and smell Vicks Nose Drops and look at old Spencer in his pajamas and bathrobe all at the same time. I really didn't”
Yea so I think he says that way too much. But in a way I think it is a thing. I mean, his voice is distinctive from others, so I always know it is him talking, even though he is the narrator.
Also there is a pattern in the book. I notice Holden talks about being depressed, A LOT. I’m not sure why, but here are a few quotes I found:
"Boy I felt miserable. I felt so depressed, you can't imagine. What I did, I started talking, sort of out loud, to Allie. I do that sometimes when I get very depressed." (Allie is his brother that died of leukemia)
"I never seem to have anything that if I lost it I'd care too much. Maybe that's why I'm partly yellow. The more I thought about my gloves and my yellowness, the more depressed I got."
"I felt so lonesome, all of a sudden. I almost wished I was dead"
"Almost every time somebody gives me a present, it ends making me sad"
Yeah….as you can see he is depressed most of the time. He thinks about killing himself at one point but I cant find the page where he said that. Anyways, what is up with this!? I just don’t get why he’s so sad all the time.  Something is definitely going on.
*My internet was down for a while so I couldn’t post it before 12:00!!!!!!!

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