Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Final Reflection

    Having a blog has been pretty cool. At first I thought it was going to be the dullest thing ever, but after writing and posting a couple posts, it was actually kind of fun. I like how there is no limits to it. We can write about the topic in any way we want. Unlike other writing assignment i have to do, with the blog there are not any rules we have to follow (except for that it has to be over 350 words and posted before Friday at 12:00 A.M.) or format we have organize it by. I do not have to be formal with it, i can just talk in my own voice. This means my writing will be unique.  Everything about blog assignments is basically up to us, and I really enjoy that freedom. Having a blog has changed the way I think in general. I looked back at my earlier post I noticed that there were a lot of good points I never mentioned. I failed to elaborate on the most important thoughts about the topic I was supposed to write about. For example, I posted something titled Quickwrite: Is Bob Still a Person? in which I basically talked about how many surgical changes a person has to undergo until he is no longer considered a person anymore. I read it and it was not really that good. I made my point, but it you could tell I did not really put a lot of thought in to it. So if i were to re write that blog post, I would have said that the word "human" has no definition. It is what we make of it that matters. Everybody has their own perspective of what makes someone a human. It's kind of crazy if you think about it. Some people may say that our intelligence makes us human, but then what about the ones who are born with mental disabilities? Or someone else could say that our physical appearances make us humans, but what if some one experiences or was born with deformations, or something similar to that? Are they not human just because of what they look like or how they think? If this is not true, then what is the real aspect that makes us all humans? Yeah i think that's about right. You see, in the beginning of the year i would have never been able to come up something like this. Blogger has helped me develop a better and more effective way of thinking.
    However, what isn’t so effective is the use of my time. I dont know if it is because of blogger, but i just noticed that I had this terrible habit of procrastination in me. Procrastination is definitely nothing to be proud of. I remember when i first started posting on my blog, i would finish my blogging like the first or second day the assignment was given. Now, i do not know, no matter how easy the assignment is, i always end up doing it at nine o clock the very day it is due. I hate myself for this, i really do. I do not know how this all started, because this whole blogging thing is anything but challenging. It is actually really really really really easy. I do not know why i always have to post my stuff at the last minute. Know matter what, I always procrastinate. I even procrastinated with this essay. I could have finished most of it at home, and i said i was going to do it, but i didn’t. Instead, i watched Youtube videos and skated. And now it is nine fifty two, so i guess i have about ten minutes to finish this thing. I guess my point is that i hate procrastinating, but i always do it. It’s like a shadow, it’s always with me, and i can never seem to get away from it.
    I do not really know what else to talk about.....oh yeah i guess i can talk about my favorite post. my favorite post i did was the one where we had to write our own vignettes. I titled mines A Unique Group of Letters.. In that post, i wrote five vignettes. I got pretty tricky with my figurative language. I made it look like I was writing about other people i know, but i was actually talking about myself. I would be surprised if anyone understood what i was talking about. I gave some signs that gave the reader some hints about who i was really talking about, and what i meant, but i disguised them, to make them blend in with the rest of the vignettes, therefore nobody understood me. I think that’s really cool. They give you all the information about something, everything you need to know, but you just can’t see it. It’s like I’m speaking in a foreign language, it’s just such a good feeling. I dont think i was able to do this in the past, at least not as good as i did in that post. I was able to write poetic stuff, and i used to think i was really good at it. But when i look back at all the other stuff i wrote before i had a blog, i realize that i was actually really not as good as i thought. So i guess it pretty much shows that having a blog has also made me more creative. All the things i posted served as practice, and all that practice really paid off. It helped me open my mind to write in a different style of writing, which came out really well in my opinion.
    I think I’m almost done, so i end it by saying that overall, blogging has made me become a better thinker. Blogger has increased my range of thinking, and i can easily apply that to my writing. It’s cool because now everything i see on TV, whatever it is, i always find a way to apply it to real world situations. I ask myself questions and try my best to imaging where I would be according to what the answers would be. I could watch a kid show and find something political about it, usually it’s never a good thing. It’s actually kind of scary at times, i freak myself out. It’s like they’re all trying to make us live a certain way, especially kids, who will believe anything. I try talking to my 13 year old sister about it and she’s like “what are you talking about!?!?!?”. i don't know where im going with this so i’ll just leave it as it is. i am donneeeeeeeee.

1 comment:

  1. Your last paragraph here is a highlight; I'm really glad that this writing practice over the year has made you question reality more. KEEP THAT UP. If you're freaking yourself out, that's a good sign...it might mean that you're stripping away false ideas or misconceptions and getting closer to your own truth. That might not make sense, but I hope it does...

    And as you probably know, you are NOT ALONE in the procrastination problem. There are no simple solutions for it either...you've got to find your own way through that problem. Beating bad habits and establishing new, better ones is a process that takes a long time, so be patient with yourself as you try stuff out to get better at time management!

    Thanks for a great year and I hope I'll see more posts here.
