Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I Don't Need Religion

             I respect everybody’s beliefs, but what I don’t respect are people that are insisting you in what to believe. There’s a huge difference between telling, and explaining. Anyone can tell you to believe something without giving you an explanation for why you have to believe it. That’s the problem with religion, no one can explain. If so, then why do many people believe it? There is no point in believing in something that will not ever help you in anything. It might give those who believe an optimistic sensation every time they go to church or pray, but that’s not getting me into college. Some people say that when you pray, you’re communicating with God. God must be death, because when I tried praying for my sick uncle in Mexico, the next thing I know is he’s dead. If there is a God out there, I hate him. I told my mom I was atheist, and she got upset and asked me why. I EXPLAINED to her that there is no possible way for a “human being” to create everything in the universe out of nothing. It would’ve been funny if it was real though, he makes the dinosaurs and then spends his lifetime running away from his own creation. There aren’t any fossils of God. After that we began debating. Everything she said, no matter what it was, I backfired it with science.
            Some people deny an idea without even thinking about it. It’s vey important for people to think about everyone’s thoughts, because if people aren’t even trying, then we would have to live this way until our own ways of life kill us all. A while ago, I heard about this pope who actually denied the holocaust. This made me dislike the pope because not only did he get the obvious facts wrong, he also enraged a lot of jews.
            But as I said, I respect everyone’s beliefs (except for the pope’s). No matter how absurd and impossible they might sound, I only hope for people to respect mines.

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