Thursday, September 23, 2010

Response: Does It matter if you Gay Or Bi? Lesbian Or Straight?

I am responding to a quote by Lhadze Bosiljevac on a topic that sometimes bothers me.
"Everywhere we go, someone is arguing about same sex marriage or someone being bi. We as Americans have our own rights as citizens to make our own choices about who our mate is. Same sex marriage should be legal and the legislation  has no right to say that people who love each other, even if they are of the same sex, cannot be married."
         I strongly agree with her in this quote. People have rights, and by violating those rights you are also arguing against the constitution. If a person decides that he or she is attracted to others of the same sex, then so be it. Nobody, not even the most powerful person on Earth can come between another person's feelings. But the one thing that really pisses me of is people that use the word gay as an insult. I've heard the words fag, lesbian, gay, and queer being use to offends somebody. Homo phobics using the word gay as if it was a bad thing to be. Being gay is not bad, it's a way of life that people choose to live, just like being a vegetarian. I've had friends who I've heard use the word gay to describe things they don't like. "FAG!!!," "EEEEWWWW THAT'S SO GAY!" I have been hearing these phrases ever since I was in fourth grade. I don't care if you're a homophobic, people just need to shut their mouths. When I was younger, I used to say these things a lot. But it was because everyone around me said it, and I guess I was peer pressured into believing in nonsense. But as people grow, their brains develop and so do their thoughts.
          I also hate it when the parents of someone get angry when their son or daughter tell them that they are gay, lesbian, or bisexual. Sometimes the father, mother, or even both parents can't get over the fact that their son or daughter is gay. They can usually tend to over react and separate from their family, only because their son/daughter decides to live a different lifestyle. That doesn't only affect the son/daughter's relationship with the parents, it also affects every other relative. One simple decision can tear apart a whole family, all just because people cannot be open-minded. What if being gay was a common thing? What if everyone was gay and marriage with the opposite sex was not legal in every country. I guess that's what the gay community feels. I think everybody has the right to be what they want to be, I don't believe you need someone to be telling you what's right and what's wrong; if you know what works for you, and if it makes you happy; then it's the right thing to do. I just think people need to grow up..

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