Monday, September 13, 2010

Response to Debate

          The topic in which I debated about was about alternative energy versus fossil fuel. We wanted to know if alternative energy would be able to successfully replace unnatural oils, gasses, and chemicals that aren't exactly environmentally friendly. Both teams (pro and con) gathered the information needed to debate, and prepared for the battle. Elton and I were on the pro side, we believed that it was possible to ban fossil fuels and introduce alternative energy to the world. Aakash and Andy were on the con side, they believed it was impossible to live on alternative energy, they would rather stick our current source of energy.

             One thing said by the con side was that there wont be enough energy for the whole country. They were talking about how the U.S. does not depend on much natural energy, and if we get rid of fossil fuels and use more and more energy we will quickly run out. One thing we could have said to fight back to that was, "but the thing about alternative energy is that you can never run out because it is renewable. Natural energy can be reused over and over again so that we wont run out. Since alternative energy can be recycled, other countries will no longer be fighting for their energy - and that means no wars." After the debate I knew that everyone could tell that both team didn't prepare so much, we weren't exactly ready. We could have fought back to their statement by saying that, but we didn't because we weren't prepared :(. Aakash and Andy weren't so excited about being in the con side, at first they didn't care, but later they told Elton and I that they wanted to be on the pro side, but that was after we all agreed in our places. Maybe that was one of the reasons why the con side wasn't exactly ready. The pro side could have been a lot better, all we had to do to win the debate was write down good, specific questions that could have been asked to support our side. We also could have written more of our ideas in our intro statement, rather than quotes from other people.

            After the debate was over, after we confused each other with words, both teams strongly agreed that we had the worst debate out of the whole class. We both said we could have done a lot better, we probably even confused the people listening to this horrible debate. I don't even believe what we did out there deserves to be called a debate. Well, at least we each know that next time we try to debate, we should probably review our statements, practice, and be more aware of how much time we have to debate.

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