Friday, August 27, 2010

Quote Responding to the ASTI Constitution

I found this quote from Bany that I found very easy to relate to the ASTI constitution:
...girls do gang up on each other for a sense of pride, and victory over each other. It can be a way of winning a battle, but it leads to a way that makes others isolated to the shocking truth of what it can cause to relationships.
I chose this quote because it showed an example of something that would break the ASTI constitution. Bany's response to "Odd Girl Out" by Rachel Simmons talks about an event that would be breaking a couple rules to the constitution. The rules that would be broken are rule number one, rule number nine, and rule number ten. Rule number one, being "think before you speak or act" was broken by talking about other people behind their backs. Bany brought up that she was in an alliance in which she was the bully. She talked about gossiping about another person out of distaste, without being exactly sure of the consequences. But like any other bully, she gained a victorious sensation. "Make a positive impact on the people and environment around you" is the ninth rule in the ASTI constitution that was broken. When someone gossips about someone else, he/she is not really setting a positive effect on other people. What the gossiper is doing is pressuring or influencing other people to turn against the victim. That's nothing beneficial for the environment, neither it is for the bully or anyone else. What may seem right at first can easily feel sssoooo wrong at the end. The last rule in the ASTI constitution that was broken was rule number ten, which was "resolve conflict peacefully." The conflict that Bany had with another girl was obviously not peaceful, but most problems cant be solved peacefully. Some conflicts require some sort of violence or attack, especially in school. So basically if you're having a battle where you start to involve others in, the results wont be pretty. For the most part you hurt people's feeling, you lower their self-esteem. You can also embarrass yourself in front of others. And in the end, it doesn't even matter because you lose someone you deeply cared about. Its funny how one little gossip can cost so much pain for so long.

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