Friday, March 25, 2011

What does Esperanza's future hold? Will she come back?

I think that Esparanza is going to move out of Mango Street and finally live in the house she always dreamed of. In a vignette called A House of My Own, she talks about what she wants to experience in a house. She says,
“Not a flat. Not an apartment in back. Not a man’s house. Not a daddy’s. A house all my own. With my porch and my pillow, my pretty purple petunias. My books and my stories. My two shoes waiting beside my bed. Nobody to shake a stick at. Nobody’s garbage to pick up after.”

Well Esperanza is pretty much stating the different aspects she does not want in her house. She will at last obtain the peace in her life she always wanted. She will not have to worry about these issues she states in the quote. Her future looks brighter now that her “shooting star” took her away, and I do not think that she will ever go back to the house on Mango Street. I think Esperanza will come back for the ones she left behind, but not literally. I think that the way she influenced them was by writing the book. It makes so much sense now after reading it. The whole book is about issues women have to face in the harsh reality of that neighborhood. And all the ones she left behind are women, so I think the book is a way to transmit this optimistic attitude to them that will encourage them to turn their lives around the way Esperanza did.
There was this vignette called Alicia and I Talking on Edna’s Steps which is basically Esperanza and Alicia talking about her house she is ashamed of. Alicia is telling her how Mango Street is her home no matter what, and that someday she will come back. Alicia says,

“’Like it or not you are Mango Street, and one day you’ll come back too.’
Then Esperanza says, ‘Not me. Not until somebody makes it better.’
‘Who’s going to do it? The Mayor?’ And the thought of the mayor coming to Mango Street makes me laugh out loud. Who’s going to do it? Not the mayor.”

For Esperanza, there was no one to make it better, she overcame Mango Street all on her own. And now that she is out, there is probably another girl in Mango Street just like Esperanza who is just waiting for someone to make it better for her. And that person to make it better is now Esperanza, she has to come back for the ones she left behind. She helped them by writing this book.

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