Friday, April 1, 2011

vignette responses

I noticed similar vignettes in each of their posts. They were all about hair. At one point, they talk about something they don’t like about their hair. For example, Eric talked about how his hair gets in to knots and it annoys him. He also talks about how everyone else in his family does not have many things like this to worry about in their hair. Almost like if everyone’s hair is perfect except for his. Yen does something very similar with his vignette. He talks about every in his family having hair that is nice and stable, but his never stays the way he wants it to be no matter how hard he tries. He said,
Duc's hair is very short and style-able. He can always move it to look right. Liem's hair is long and dry- it stays in place after styled…My mother. She has soft, silky, shiny hair. Hey hair is like clay. Every morning, she blow dries it into place…My father does a comb over, but it still sticks up.  He blow dries it every morning into place, and it automatically stays.  I’ve tried this with my hair before; it never worked. Why is my hair so different?”
Yen’s hair never seems to listen to him and it never looks the way he wants it to look. He envies everyone else with their obedient hair, while he is banging his head against the wall, asking himself why his hair is so different from everyone else’s. They both talk about how their hair can be hard to control compared to everyone else in their family.
In Ashi’s vignette, she does not write a whole lot about the conflicts with her hair, she mostly describes hair and what it means for each person in her family. However she did say, “it is dried up, and damaged from the heat which are from my blow dryer…”
All these vignettes talk about hair and compare them with each other’s family. At one point, each one talks about how their hair is not as good as the others.

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