Thursday, September 30, 2010


We read a story about salamander in the pre-historic times named Qfwfq. Qfwfq was dating this lizard named Lll. One day he introduced her to his old aquatic uncle, N’ba N’ga. But after meeting him Lll wanted to go see him frequently, until one day she dumped Qfwfq and went with N’ba N’ga. This following quote explains the thought in Qfwfq’s head after she recently left him:
“They all had something, I know, that made them somehow superior to me, sublime, something that made me, compared to them, mediocre. And yet I wouldn’t have traded places with any of them.”
This quote is very important to show that even though Lll abandoned Qfwfq to go with his mature uncle N’ba N’ga, Qfwfq didn’t go into depression. Lll and N’ba N’ga were going to reproduce and have offspring. By doing that, they were going to create a new type of species. Qfwfq knew that his bright future was stolen from him, and that Lll will no longer be a lizard. But despite of the fact that he had been humiliated, he was still proud of being who he was – even if it won’t help him survive.

In this other story we read, Qfwfq had evolved into a dinosaur. He believed to be the last one of his kind, and had survived on his own for many years. One day he met with another group of organisms known as “The New Ones,” he later joined them. Almost everyone in their herd feared dinosaurs, and because they hadn’t seen one in years, they did not realize that Qfwfq was a dinosaur – instead they referred to him as “The Ugly One.” There was one day where he heard one of the new ones yell out, “The dinosaurs are coming back!” This next quote was exactly what Qfwfq felt when he heard those words:
“My species wasn’t extinct, I would be able to join my brothers, take up my old life! But the memory of the old life that returned to my mind was the endless series of defeats, of flights, of dangers; to begin again meant perhaps only a temporary extension of that death pain, the return to a phase I thought had already ended. Now, here in the village, I had achieved a kind of new tranquility, and I was sorry to lose it.”
This quote says a lot about Qfwfq’s situation. This is a point in his life where he does not know if he was satisfied with his old life or with his new one. At first the thought of him returning back to his life in the past was a relief, a lot better than what he had now. But then he thought of it longer and realized that his old life was terrible. He did not want to go back to an endless series defeats, flights, and dangers. The life he used to live gave him emotional suffering, he had lost Lll. The life he was living in now wasn’t all that bad, except that the new ones feared his kind. His relationship with them would not be the same if he revealed who he truly was. He had no idea what they would do to him. And so, Qfwfq was left with a tough decision.

At the end of the story, Qfwfq had to leave the new ones. He had a relationship with someone named Fern-flower, even though he still had feelings for her. This quote explains how Qfwfq was feeling as he was leaving his tribe:
            “I looked around: the village that had seen me arrive as a stranger I could now rightfully call mine, and I could call Fern-flower mine, in the only way a Dinosaur could call mine. For this, with a silent wave, I said goodbye to Fern-flower, left the village, and went off forever.”
             This quote describes the scene, and it makes it clear that Qfwfq will never return to the new ones. It seems as if Qfwfq keeps messing up relationships he has with others, first Lll left him, and now he had to leave Fern-flower and the new ones all because he couldn’t live up to people’s expectations. It’s good that Qfwfq has his own goals, but if he is having trouble reaching them, then instead of repeating his mistake he should change. That’s the only way for him to obtain what he’s looking for.

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